Modified bitumen and bitumen emulsions


To create materials for the repair and construction of structural layers of road surfaces.


1st sample:

Tr behind the ring and ball – 52 ° C.
Extensibility (ductility) – 28 cm at a temperature of 25 ° C.
Penetration at a temperature of 25 ° C, 0.1 mm – 62.
Adhesion to glass surface – 100%.

2nd sample:

Tr behind the ring and ball – 52 ° C.
Extensibility (ductility) – 26 cm at a temperature of 25 ° C.
Penetration at 25 ° C, 0.1 mm – 61.
The adhesion to the glass surface is 93%.
Requirements for BMP 60 / 90-52 in accordance with DSTU B V.2.7-135: 2007:
Tr behind the ring and the ball -> = 52 ° C.
Extensibility (ductility) -> = 25 cm at a temperature of 25 ° C.
Penetration at a temperature of 25 ° C, 0.1 mm – 61-90.
Adhesion to glass surface -> = 75%.


Road construction, bitumen production.


Road construction, bitumen production.


Modified bitumen and bitumen emulsions can be used to form high-quality thin-layer pavements.

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