Застосування інноваційних комплексних технологій живлення польових культур у сівозмінах зони Степу України

Which priority direction of science and technology corresponds to: rational nature management.

Research: applied.

Future prospect: to be completed.

Research level: no analogues in Ukraine.

Patent availability: 7 patents of Ukraine.

What additional actions require further study: Study completed, subject to further implementation.

Brief description, advantages, further prospects for application.

The project focuses on the development of new innovative environmentally friendly technologies for growing field crops in crop rotations of different rotations, which will contribute to a significant improvement in production technology and an increase in the gross agricultural products for the sectors of the national economy of Ukraine.

The results of research on the development and implementation of innovative elements of environmentally friendly technologies, which will significantly reduce production costs, will acquire significant scientific significance. Priority attention will be paid to advanced technologies for growing crops based on the use of modern integrated bio- and nanotechnologies and the selection of modern varieties and hybrids with maximum plant productivity and ecological and economic potential.

That is why the introduction of innovative resource-saving elements of the technologies of this project will lead to an increase in the yield of field crops by 15–25%, a significant improvement in their quality, a decrease in the chemical load on soils and the preservation of the environment. The grown products will meet the requirements of environmentally friendly products.

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