Method for online assessment of fatigue resistance of remanufactured ship propeller shafts

R&D registration number in UkrISTEI: 0419U005553

Which priority area of ​​science and technology does it correspond to: fundamental scientific research on the most important problems of developing scientific, technical, socio-economic, socio-political, human potential to ensure the competitiveness of Ukraine in the world and the sustainable development of society and the state.

Research: applied.

Funding source: free.

Perspective for further implementation in 2021-2022: completed.

Research level: no analogues in Ukraine

Patent: no.

What additional actions require further research: does not need.

Brief description, advantages, further prospects for application.

A method has been developed for the rapid assessment of the fatigue resistance of models of restored ship propeller shafts. A comparison of two approaches to assessing the fatigue strength of models of restored propeller shafts is carried out: beyond their limits of endurance and durability to destruction. Based on the correlation dependences between the endurance limit and the parameters of the inclined section of the fatigue curve, expressed by a power equation, the dependence for determining the relative durability coefficient is refined. A dependence was also proposed to determine the endurance limit by the known value of this coefficient for the absence of a common stress range in the region of the high-cycle stress region.

An analysis of the accuracy of the method of rapid assessment of the resistance to fatigue of models of propeller shafts during their comparative tests was carried out. At the same time, both random factors affecting accuracy and systematicity were considered; The developed method was tested on samples and models of restored propeller shafts. The developed method makes it possible to conduct a rapid comparative assessment of the durability to destruction of ship propeller shafts at any of the stress levels. The study contributes both to the development of science and to the solution of practical problems, primarily in ship repair and shipbuilding.

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