R&D registration number in UkrISTEI: 0119U100422
What priority area of science and technology: corresponds to information and communication technologies.
Research: applied.
Source of funding: funds from the state budget.
Perspective for further implementation in 2021-2022: completed.
Research level: no analogues in Ukraine.
Availability of a patent: 4 patents of Ukraine.
What additional actions require further research in 2021: none.
Brief description, advantages, further prospects for application.
The structure of a small-sized mobile device for early diagnostics has been formed according to estimates based on several standards, which makes it possible to refine diagnostic prescriptions. A method has been introduced to quantify the dose, intensity, speed of movement of the irradiation bands and the course of irradiation. A method for auto-calibration and correction of the values of the magnetic induction vector is proposed for use in conditions of limited computing resources of automated systems for prevention and treatment and recovery.
The advantages of using LoRaWAN in comparison with SigFox and ZigBee are experimentally determined. The dependence of the error in measuring the properties of the sensor and the hardware features of the prophylactic and therapeutic complex is estimated. An encryption method has been developed to ensure the quality of communication over radio channels with a server, a doctor and cloud services for remote devices. Broadband cameras were used, which, with three-digit diagnostics, gave the same result. Models of two devices for diagnosing and preventing and treating diseases of the spine and post-traumatic updates have been developed and manufactured, which differ in that the parameters of physiotherapy are formed according to the parameters of the diagnostic output and take into account the nature and spread of the inflammation zone. Their passports and technical documentation required for marketing research and implementation have been issued. The prospect of further application are two industries: the first is the use for restoring blood and lymph flow (this industry does not require certification, but requires additional marketing research conducted together with the firms River Solar LLC and Innova Center LLC); the second is laboratory testing and product certification. This work is planned to be carried out through the development of a startup, during which certification will be carried out.