R&D registration number in UkrISTEI: No. Dr 0020U102296.
What priority area of science and technology does it correspond to: fundamental scientific research on the most important problems of developing scientific, technical, socio-economic, socio-political, human potential to ensure the competitiveness of Ukraine in the world and the sustainable development of society and the state.
Research: applied.
Source of funding: funds from the general fund of the state budget
Perspective for further implementation: to be continued as applied.
Research level: no analogues in Ukraine.
Patent: no
What additional actions require implementation: does not require additional actions.
Brief description, advantages, further prospects for application.
A comparative analysis of the scientific potential, domestic and world practical experience regarding promising areas for the complex processing of aquatic organisms was carried out, categories of products that are currently absent in Ukraine were identified, and the need for them by certain groups of the population, primarily children, is significant. Minimum quality specifications for hydrobionts have been developed. Scientifically substantiated are the types of aquatic organisms that are promising in terms of biochemical and functional-technological properties for technological purposes. It has been established that the physicochemical properties of certain types of fish – the content of fat, protein, amino acid, vitamin and mineral composition, in combination with structural features
– mechanical characteristics, minimal content of connective tissue, optimal mass of muscle tissue justify a set of technological advantages for the industrial processing of this raw material – for multifunctional puree-like products for children, diet food (fish species with a mass fraction of fat not higher than 8%). All studied types of aquatic organisms are promising raw materials for the production of polycomponent products for certain categories of the population with increased physical exertion and for the organization of good nutrition in extreme conditions.
Based on the results of the analysis of modern technologies for the processing of hydrobionts, the main problems were identified to eliminate which are focused on the developed technological solutions: modernizing the assortment with updating the composition and properties of canned fish, taking into account the principles of nutrition, physiological and special nutritional needs of certain categories of the population; minimization of thermal effects, mitigation of sterilization regimes using modern types of containers and sterilization methods. The developed technological schemes for the production of polycomponent canned products generalize experimental studies of the influence of technological processes of hydrobiont processing on the quality and safety of finished products. The functional-technological and biochemical compatibility of fish, vegetables, leguminous and dairy components has been studied, the recommended limits of their use in the formulations of new products have been substantiated.
Using the methodology of modeling the applied protein, carbohydrate, vitamin and mineral composition, an assortment and basic recipes of vegetable, fish and fish and vegetable products for feeding children and adults for catering in extreme conditions have been developed.