R&D registration number in UkrISTEI: 0120U100160.
Which priority direction of science and technology corresponds to: rational nature management.
Research: applied.
Source of funding: funds from the general fund of the state budget
Perspective for further implementation: to be continued as applied
Research level: no analogues in Ukraine
Patent: no.
What additional actions require further research: implementation of stage II
Brief description, advantages, further prospects for application.
In accordance with the objectives of the study, theoretical and methodological support was developed in the work, institutional and practical recommendations were formed for determining dominants and a comprehensive assessment of the investment and innovation policy of nature management at the macro-, meso- and micro levels based on the introduction of sustainable development, the innovative model of “quad-spiral” in nature management and smart specialization of regions. Based on the results of the study and the developed methodological support, a comprehensive assessment of the relationship and mutual influence of the investment-innovative and natural-resource potentials of the national economy was carried out by systemic diagnostics of modern trends in their use in Ukraine for 2013-2018. and established cause-and-effect relationships between the level of investment and innovation support in the context of: environmental protection measures in certain sectors of the economy, regions, sustainable use of components of the natural resource potential (water, energy, land, forest, mineral resources, natural reserve fund), the dynamics of eco-intensity (waste and carbon intensity) of the national economy, which made it possible to substantiate the nature of the feedback (positive, neutral, negative) between the state of the natural environment and the investment and innovation policy of nature management.
Recommendations are proposed for organizing the collection, processing, storage and use of information data on the investment and innovation policy of environmental management, which is based on modern approaches to the digitalization of the business environment. The expediency of applying aspects of Helix-modeling, in its evolutionary context, in the plane of the functioning of industrial and natural parks of Ukraine in order to develop their innovative economic and environmental activities, on the basis of which, as well as the results of a SWOT analysis of the development potential of eco-industrial parks in Ukraine, is substantiated. directions for their creation are proposed, namely: on the basis of existing industrial parks, in cooperation with specialized scientific and technological parks, as well as in the context of the innovative development of national parks. These studies made it possible to determine the dominants and strategic priorities of the state and regional policy.