R&D registration number in UkrISTEI: 0221U103159
Application industry and specific location planned: application Agriculture, agricultural biotechnology, crop production reg.).
Source of funding: funds from the general fund of the state budget.
Level of innovation: no analogues in the world.
Availability of a patent: Application for a patent of Ukraine for an invention No. 202007670 dated 12/02/2020.
The presence of an interested customer: Engineering and Technology Institute “Biotechnics” of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Khlebodarske, Belyaevsk district, Odesa region; Production company “Private enterprise research and production association AgroBioInnovatika”, Belyaevka, Odesa region.
Implementation: planned for 2022, in the sectors – agriculture, agricultural biotechnology, crop production, in particular, at enterprises – Engineering and Technology Institute “Biotekhnika” of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Khlebodarske, Belyaevsk district, Odesa region; Production company “AgroBioInnovatika”, Belyaevka, Odesa region.
What additional actions require implementation: requires funding to implement the results obtained.
Brief description, technical and economic parameters of advantages and positive qualities.
The Bacillus velezensis strain enhances the adaptive potential of microcloned plants. A highly pronounced phytostimulating activity is observed during the inoculation of Bacillus velezensis ONU553 bacteria into the rhizosphere of cloned plants during adaptation from in vitro culture conditions to ex vitro conditions before planting in the soil. The strain can be used as the basis for preparations for protecting and stimulating plant growth.
The development is economically attractive for promotion to the market, as it involves the use of a new unique strain of B. velezensis ОNU553 – a producer of lipopeptide antibiotics, which has a high phytostimulating and antagonistic activity against fungi that cause diseases of agricultural plants.