R&D registration number in UkrISTEI: 0115U000285
Planned field of application and specific place of application: Manufacture of industrial ventilation equipment and air conditioners, LLC “VENT-SERVIS”
Source of funding: funds from the general fund of the state budget
Level of innovation: no analogues in Ukraine
Patent availability: Refrigeration unit based on the solar absorption cycle, patent for invention No. 120955, date of publication 03/10/2020
Availability of an interested Customer: LLC “VENT-SERVICE”
Implementation: planned by VENT-SERVICE LLC.
What additional actions require implementation: development of design documentation and organization of production.
Brief description, technical and economic parameters of advantages and positive qualities.
A refrigeration plant based on a solar absorption cycle and evaporative cooling with a solar desorber (the coolant in it is hot water after solar collectors), in which, by introducing several successive degrees of cooling – an absorber + an indirect evaporative air cooler – it is possible to increase the cooling capacity of a temperature unit close to dew point temperature of the outdoor air, while reducing energy consumption by 35 – 40%.