R&D registration number in UkrISTEI: 0121U100658
What priority area of science and technology does it correspond to: new substances and materials
Research: fundamental
Funding source: state budget, general fund of the state budget
Amount of financing: 500 – 1000 thousand UAH. (UAH 850.0 thousand)
Year of study start: 2021
The total duration of the study (according to the plan): 2021-2023.
The prospect of further execution in 2022 – 2023: to be continued as a fundamental
Research level: no analogues in Ukraine
Additional actions requiring further study: additional funding; expanding the range of research and updating the material and technical base
Participation of the institution in the existing regional targeted and integrated programs: Peter Mohyla Black Sea National University didn’t participate.
Brief description, advantages, further prospects for application.
As a result of the studies, the influence of various factors on the distribution and aggregation of carbon nanotubes in a polymer matrix, as well as the formation of a percolation cluster, was established. A number of stabilized samples of carbon nanotubes were obtained using various stabilizers. Technological regimes have been developed that make it possible to directionally control the distribution of filler particles.
A series of composite materials were made using a piston extruder, their microstructure and functional characteristics were studied using the methods of optical microscopy, thermophysical, electrical and mechanical analysis.
A number of polymeric nanocomposite materials containing carbon nanotubes with improved functional characteristics have been obtained. According to their functional characteristics, the obtained materials are promising for the creation of filaments for 3D printing on their basis.
The approach to mathematical modeling and description of the percolation behavior of the thermal and electrical conductivity of polymer-VNT systems has been improved, in particular, modeling that takes into account the contributions from the surface layer between the matrix and the filler, as well as modeling the effects of charge tunneling. In the future, the proposed mathematical models will make it possible to predict the functional characteristics of a polymer-VNT type system, and then create new multifunctional nanocomposite polymeric materials containing carbon nanotubes of various sizes and modifications, with specified and controlled properties.