R&D registration number in UkrISTEI: 0116U003464
What priority area of science and science technology: corresponds to natural rational
Research: applied
Source of funding: implementation of initiative GDRs (developments) free of charge
Amount of financing: without financing
Year of study start: 2016
The total duration of the study (according to the plan): 2016-2021.
Perspective for further implementation in 2022-2023: to be continued as an applied
Research level: no analogues in Ukraine
Patent availability: Method for determining the toxicity of chicken eggs, 09/16/2021, No. 148760. Method for determining the toxicity of oyster meat, 09/16/2021, No. 148761. sea scallop, 09/16/2021, No. 148763. Method for determining the toxicity of cuttlefish meat, 09/16/2021, No. 148764. Method for determining the toxicity of squid meat, No. 16.05. 11/24/2021, No. 149473. Method for determining the toxicity of meat of slaughter animals, 01.12.2021, No. 149685.
Additional activities requiring further research: modern scientific equipment; expanding the range of research and updating the material and technical base; other. At this stage, research continues to improve and develop methods for determining toxicity by a microbiological express method using the Colpoda steinii infusoria for other food products and raw materials. After their completion, these methods will be included in the monitoring system and the entire developed complex will be implemented.
Brief description, advantages, further prospects for application.
The developed methods for determining toxicity are effective and easy to use and make it possible to study a wide range of xenobiotics extracted with acetone in the following food products: chicken eggs, meat of slaughter animals (lamb, pork, beef) and mollusks (octopus, squid, rapana, sea scallop and oysters). In addition, given the high sensitivity of the test organism Colpoda steinii ciliates to low doses of xenobiotics, the use of the proposed methods makes it possible to identify the possible total effect of several pollutants and establish the overall toxicity of the object under study.
The proposed methods for determining toxicity relate to veterinary medicine, namely, microbiological methods for determining toxicity (biotesting), and can be used in the laboratories of the State Service of Ukraine for Food Safety and Consumer Protection during the examination of the safety of food raw materials and food products.