R&D registration number in UkrISTEI: 0117U000641
What priority area of science and technology does it correspond to: fundamental scientific research on the most important problems of developing scientific, technical, socio-economic, socio-political, human potential to ensure the competitiveness of Ukraine in the world and the sustainable development of society and the state
Research: fundamental
Funding source: state budget, general fund of the state budget
Amount of financing: 2500 thousand UAH.
Prospect for further implementation in 2022-2023: to be completed
Research level: no analogues in the world
Patent: no
Additional actions requiring further research: investing
Brief description, advantages, further prospects for application.
The methods and algorithms for receiving, analyzing and processing acoustic signals in channels with multipath propagation and frequency scattering are studied, the issues of building information systems operating in conditions of variability of the characteristics of the environment are studied, the possibilities of the optimal choice of parameters of information signals are considered, the issues of digital adaptive reception algorithms, the application of methods of adaptive correlation-phase reception, the principle of constructing all-season hydroacoustic information channels is proposed, the issues of creating adaptive information systems for shallow water areas are considered. The paper lays the theoretical and applied foundations for the development of methods for transmitting, receiving and processing signals in the hydroacoustic channels of the PZChM, indicating the possibility of their use to create more efficient hydroacoustic systems for transmitting information and controlling underwater objects in the interests of many fields of science and solving a number of applied problems.