Information technology for assessing the dynamics of changes in locally concentrated signs of biomedical signals of complex shape

Purpose. For additional diagnostic information on real electrocardiograms (ECGs) that do not show traditional electrocardiographic signs of coronary heart disease.

Specifications. The experimental basic information technology components are developed in the Delphy and Java programming languages, aimed at running the Windows operating system on a medium-power PC.

Application area. Medicine. Healthcare institutions of Ukraine at different levels, individual users of the regions of Ukraine.

Advantages. The developed information technology components make it possible to extract additional diagnostic information about the patient’s current condition from biomedical signals in situations where such information is not available based on traditional criteria.

Technical and economic effect. One of the main tasks of digital medicine is being solved – to bring medical resources directly to the patient, since the nature of serious diseases urgently requires a distributed system for the provision of medical services, when home monitoring and treatment becomes important.

Description. Basic software components for assessing the dynamics of changes in locally concentrated signs of physiological signals characterizing the influence of external factors on the object of study have been created and integrated into information technology. Testing of the developed software components confirmed the accuracy and reproducibility of the results obtained. Testing of the research results was carried out at the State Scientific Institution “Scientific and Practical Center for Preventive and Clinical Medicine of the State Administration of Affairs.”

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