On June 7, 2024, a webinar “Technology transfer in the innovation ecosystem as an approach to accelerating the implementation of scientific and technical developments of scientific institutions of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine”, will be held

We invite you to participate in the seminar on June 07, 2025, 15.00-16.00, online ZOOM conference format (40 minutes – information part, 20 minutes – questions and discussions).

The purpose of the seminar is to present an approach to technology transfer in the innovation ecosystem, aimed at accelerating the creation and implementation of innovative scientific and technical developments that solve the challenges of socio-economic development.


Yuriy Nikitin, Expert of European programs and projects, leading researcher at the INM NAS of Ukraine and Kyiv Academic University, Doctor of Technical Sciences.

Yuri Nikitin has more than 20 years of experience in expert and consulting activities with ministries, departments, institutions, organizations, companies and SMEs within the framework of programs and projects of the European Commission, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the World Bank, etc.

Main questions of the seminar:

  • Global and European trends in technology transfer.
  • Problems of technology transfer in Ukraine.
  • Closed innovation concept.
  • Transfer of closed innovations.
  • Open innovation concept.
  • Transfer of open innovations.
  • Innovation ecosystem concept.
  • Profile of an effective innovation ecosystem.
  • European innovation ecosystems.
  • Innovative activities and technology transfer in the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.
  • Technology transfer in the innovation ecosystem.

The seminar is held within the framework of the international projects BOOSTalent and 4InnoPipe, funded by the European Union.

