Technology of pulse drip irrigation of agricultural crops

Purpose. To develop a water-saving technology of pulse drip irrigation that will ensure savings of irrigation water (20-30%) and minimum specific costs for growing agricultural products while maintaining the environmental sustainability of reclaimed agricultural landscapes.

Technical properties. System hydromodule (dm3/s/ha) – 1.1; irrigation module area (ha) – 5-8; nominal pressure (m) – 8-12; maximum length of irrigation pipelines (m) – 228; diameters of main and distribution pipelines (mm) – 220/75; uniformity of water distribution (Christiansen coefficient (CU, %) – 95; number of irrigations – 400-660; inter-irrigation period (hours) – 0.25-0.33; irrigation rate (m3/ha) – 5-20; irrigation rate (m3/ha) – 1100-3250; pre-irrigation soil moisture level (-kPa) – 10-12; -4200;

Application area. Agriculture and water management

Advantages. The efficiency of pulse drip irrigation according to the criterion of “crop yield” in comparison with the established practice of periodic irrigation increases from 5.1 to 10.6%; according to the criterion of “irrigation rate” (reduction in rate): from 15.6% to 26.8%.

Technical and economic effect. Implementation of technology pulse drip irrigation (in comparison with established irrigation practices) ensures: – an increase in the gross harvest of grain, leguminous, vegetable and fruit crops by 8-14% with a simultaneous increase in export potential, including processed products; – a decrease in the cost of crop products by 8-15%; – saving irrigation water – up to 20-30%; – saving energy resources – 40-45%; – improving the phytosanitary condition of agricultural land – reducing weed infestation (up to 60%) and plant diseases (up to 40%) and greening agricultural production by reducing the number of chemical treatments; – creation of new jobs (taking into account related industries – production, logistics, processing, management and administration) – more than 35 thousand per year.

Description. The theoretical foundations of the pulse water supply mode are substantiated. Organizational and methodological aspects of developing a water-saving technology of pulse drip irrigation have been developed. An algorithm for operational monitoring of soil moisture has been developed based on the mMetos Base Internet station. A process instruction for the installation and operation of pulse drip irrigation systems has been developed. Theoretical foundations for developing a mathematical model for determining the parameters of subsurface drip irrigation systems under pulsed water supply conditions have been substantiated. The parameters of pulse drip irrigation technology have been experimentally determined: A method for managing irrigation under pulsed irrigation based on the Penman-Monteith equation has been developed. A prototype of a trenchless irrigation pipeline compiler has been manufactured. A draft of the process regulations for pulsed drip irrigation has been developed. Process maps for growing agricultural crops under pulsed drip irrigation have been developed.

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