Product cooling system in a chemical production process flow chart


For product cooling systems in a chemical production process flow chart.


    • product temperature (granular mineral fertilizers) – 28-30 ° С;
    • cooling air capacity – 4 × 55000 m3 / h;
    • reduction of product loss – 50%;
    • type of refrigerant – liquid ammonia (T = 268 K; P = 0.5 MPa (abs.));
    • refrigerant consumption – 5.0–5.5 t / h;
    • coldness of the installation – 3126 kW;
    • chilled product capacity – 1500 t / day;
    • dimensions (air treatment apparatus) – 4.2 × 4.0 × 2.8 m.


Chemical plants for the production of ammonium nitrate.


Pre-cooling of the product will ensure its shelf life and reduce losses.


When studying the problem of production installations of granular mineral fertilizers, in particular, ammonium nitrate, it was found that technological disruptions in production consist in improper cooling of the product during the formation of granules. The situation is aggravated by the fact that, objectively, in today’s conditions, the outside air temperature often exceeds the design-calculated one, than it is equal to it. In addition, the relative humidity of the air sometimes reaches 60-70%, the initial flow of liquid reflux of the product has a temperature of 100-120 ° C. At the outlet of the granulation tower after the fluidized bed apparatus, the product temperature can reach 30–35 ° С, and the moisture content in the product can reach 15–20%. The existing technology leads to the “sticking” of granules during storage and, in fact, to the loss of both the presentation and the product, and ultimately to unforeseen additional costs of primary raw materials – nitric acid and ammonia. Therefore, pre-cooling the product will ensure its stability during storage and reduce losses.

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