Innovative models and mechanisms for managing projects for the reconstruction and development of municipal water supply systems

What priority area of ​​science and technology does it correspond to: Information and switching technologies. Technologies and tools of electronic management. Information-analytical systems, decision support systems. Situational centers

Research: applied

Future prospect: completed;

Research level: no analogues in Ukraine;

Patent: no

Brief description, advantages, further prospects for application.

A conceptual model for managing projects for the reconstruction of municipal water supply systems has been developed, which integrates elements of E-PM, VIM technologies, D-design solutions, E-project management, E-environmental management and allows you to effectively form and implement project management processes. At present, there are no domestic and foreign analogues of the E-RM for managing projects for the reconstruction of municipal water supply systems. For the first time, a system of indicators has been developed for making a decision on the formation of a project for the reconstruction and development of municipal SOs. The information model of project management, the model of the decision support system for the formation of projects for the reconstruction of municipal water supply systems have been improved, and an information and analytical system has been developed to improve the efficiency of project management through the introduction of E-PM.

The results of the study will become the scientific basis for the development of a new class of project management models for the development of water supply and sanitation systems, which indicates their value for world and domestic science.

In accordance with the economic agreement “Energy audit of KP TIKH facilities as a means of design and survey work (according to the Protocol for ensuring consent in the city to enhance the safe operation of the South Ukrainian NPP), methods, recommendations and other documents for managing projects for the reconstruction of water supply systems have been developed in the city of South Ukrainian Mykolaiv region and drainage.

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