Комплексний моніторинг екосистем Дунайського біосферного заповідника в умовах рекреаційно-туристичного навантаження

Which priority area of ​​science and technology corresponds to: fundamental scientific research on the most important problems of developing scientific, technical, socio-economic, socio-political, human potential to ensure the competitiveness of Ukraine in the world and the sustainable development of society and the state;

Research: fundamental

Perspective for further implementation: to be continued as a fundamental

Research level: no analogues in the region;

Patent: no.

What additional actions require further research: further research requires the continuation of comprehensive monitoring of the ecosystems of the Danube Biosphere Reserve in terms of the use of reed thickets.

Brief description, advantages, further prospects for application.

As a result of the work carried out, a comprehensive study of RBO ecosystems under the conditions of recreational and tourist load was carried out and the next volume of the “Chronicle of Nature” was prepared. The study is part of the ongoing monitoring and study of natural processes in the reserve, the impact of anthropogenic factors on ecosystems, the search for ways to combine economic activity with the interests of nature, biodiversity conservation, etc. The practical result of scientific research was the rationale for the rational use of natural resources and the receipt of limits for the implementation of these works.

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