Investigation of the interaction in systems of the type Germanium – sulfide (fluoride) of a group II metal – Boron oxide

R&D registration number in UkrISTEI: 0119U002036

What priority direction of science and technology corresponds to: new substances and materials.

Research: fundamental.

Funding source: state budget funds

Perspective for further implementation in 2021-2022: to be continued as a fundamental

Research level: no analogues in the world.

Patent: no

What additional actions require further research: provision of equipment for spectroscopic studies.

Brief description, advantages, further prospects for application.

The general regularities of the interaction of B2O3 with CVD composites of the Ge-ZnS and Ge-MgF2 systems have been established. Due to the proximity of electronegativity to each other B2O3, on the one hand, and ZnS and MgF2, on the other hand, the probability of their interaction is negligible. More likely is the interaction of B2O3 with oxide impurities of the composition ZnO and MgO, respectively, with the formation of Zn and Mg borates of different compositions. This fact is confirmed by XPA and IR transmission spectroscopy data. The binding of oxide impurities into the form of complex oxides should have a positive effect on the technological process of evaporation of the Ge-ZnS-B2O3 and Ge-MgF2-B2O3 systems and individual ZnS-B2O3 and MgF2-B2O3 subsystems. In this case, the volatility of B2O3 should significantly decrease due to the formation of complex oxides – borates. In the near future, it is planned to test materials based on the studied systems by thermal evaporation in vacuum and study thin-film coatings.

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