Bentonites and clinoptilolites modified by acids and 3d metals from Ukrainian deposits as catalysts for the transformation of glycerol and its derivatives

Which priority area of ​​science and technology corresponds to: fundamental scientific research on the most important problems of developing scientific, technical, socio-economic, socio-political, human potential to ensure the competitiveness of Ukraine in the world and the sustainable development of society and the state; new substances and materials

Research: fundamental

Prospect for further implementation: to be continued as a fundamental

Research level: no analogues in the world

Patent: no.

What additional actions require further research: additional funding, modern scientific equipment.

Brief description, advantages, further prospects for application.

By wetting and impregnating acid-modified clinoptilolite (N-CPT) and bentonite (N-BNT) with solutions of cuprum(II) and cobalt(II) chlorides, a number of samples were obtained, the catalytic properties of which were studied in the reactions of glycerol (Gl) with acetic acid and acetone ( Ats). It was found that in the presence of H-CPT/Cu samples, regardless of the content of Cu(II) and the method of preparation of the catalyst, the rate of loss of Gl (WoGl) and accumulation of acylation products do not change. It was found that the nature of the mineral acid (H2SO4, HNO3) does not affect the catalytic properties of the samples obtained by modifying the initial aluminosilicates with the corresponding acidic one. It was also shown that in the reaction of Hl with Ac in the presence of the studied catalysts, an increase in the content of Cu(II) leads to a decrease in the conversion of Hl (ZHl), while at the maximum content of Cu(II) the reaction does not proceed at all. At the same time, with an increase in the Co(II) content in the N-CPT/Co samples, the value of ZGl decreases in comparison with the initial N-CPT sample, and in the case of N-BNT/Co samples, the value of ZGl90% practically does not change.

Development of scientific foundations for a complex of catalytic methods for the transformation (utilization) of glycerin (the so-called “bioglycerin”, a biodiesel production waste) and its derivatives (esters, ethers, carbonates, acetals, ketals, etc.) into the so-called. “low-tonnage products” of interest (promising) as additives for motor fuels, pharmacy, cosmetics, food industry, as well as for combinatorial chemistry as intermediates, synthons, “building blocks”, “platforms”, etc.

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