Development of methods for the synthesis of 6-hydroxy- and 6-acyloxy-3-carboxychromones containing aromatic acid fragments with substituents of different electronic nature in the aromatic ring

What priority direction of science and technology corresponds to: new substances and materials.

Research: fundamental

Perspective for further implementation in 2021-2022: completed

Research level: no analogues in Ukraine

Patent: no

What additional actions require further study: to be completed.

Brief description, advantages, further prospects for application.

For complexes of 3-formylchromone derivatives synthesized earlier, the effect of substituents on the f–f luminescence was analyzed. It was found that the variation in the nature of these substituents (electron-donor and electron-acceptor) does not lead to a significant increase in the luminescence intensity. Therefore, it was decided to transfer the chelating group (hydroxy – aldehyde) from the γ-pyran ring to the phenyl ring. Thus, the synthesis of a new ligand, 7-hydroxy-8-formylflavone, was carried out according to a modified procedure in four stages. The Eu(III) complexes of this ligand were studied. It has been shown that for this ligand the Eu3+ luminescence intensity for the mixed ligand complex with trioctylphosphine oxide is much higher than for the homogeneous ligand complex. The high intensity of the luminescence of the above mentioned complexes is probably due to the longer chain of conjugation through the phenyl core in the γ-pyran ring.

New coumarin derivatives containing various chelating groups in the α-pyran ring have been synthesized. The most promising are: 3-acetyl-4-hydroxycoumarin and 3-carbethoxycoumarin.

New phosphors with targeted characteristics can be used as luminescent labels in immunofluorescence assays, converters of ultraviolet radiation into the near infrared range, materials for the emission layers of organic light emitting diodes.

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