Development of sol-gel methods for the synthesis and study of the luminescent properties of hybrid materials based on mixed inorganic matrices and complexes of lanthanides with chelating ligands

R&D registration number in UkrISTEI: 0119U002037

What priority direction of science and technology corresponds to: new substances and materials.

Research: fundamental

Funding source: state budget funds

Prospect for further execution: to be continued as a targeted fundamental

Research level: no analogues in Ukraine

Patent: no.

What additional actions require further research: analysis of the prospects for the practical use of the obtained materials, selection and testing of compounds and composites as potential light-emitting coatings for optoelectronic devices.

Brief description, advantages, further prospects for application.

The conditions for obtaining hybrid materials based on mixed binary SiO2/Al2O3 and SiO2/TiO2 composites, as well as hybrid materials based on them doped with lanthanide complexes, are optimized. Based on Eu(III) β-diketonates, hybrids characterized by intense radiation in the visible region with a quantum efficiency of more than 70% and Nd(III) and Yb(III) complexes exhibiting IR luminescence with an intensity 21-66% higher than in crystalline complexes It has been established that the optimal concentration of lanthanide compounds in materials is 0.5-1.0 mol%.

Structural factors affecting the 4f-luminescent signal of lanthanide ions during the transition from lanthanide coordination compounds to an inorganic matrix have been established. In particular, in order to increase the intensity of emission, its stability under the influence of physical and chemical factors, the principles for predicting the composition and necessary conditions for obtaining hybrid materials have been developed.

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