Photoionization disinfecting air for mechanical systems of general ventilation and air conditioning

R&D registration number in UkrISTEI: not registered

The scope and specific place of application are planned: medical institutions, public institutions, in particular the Research Institute of Transport Medicine, Into-Sana Clinic, National Research Institute of Industrial Safety and Labor Protection.

Source of financing: own funds;

Level of innovation: no analogues in Ukraine

Availability of a patent: 1 patent of Ukraine.

Availability of an interested Customer: National Research Institute of Industrial Safety and Labor Protection.

What additional actions require implementation: conducting sanitary and hygienic testing of the proposed designs with the involvement of leading scientific organizations of Ukraine in the field of virology.

Brief description, technical and economic parameters of advantages and positive qualities.

In connection with the COVID-19 pandemic, there is increased attention to the expansion of production and the use in ventilation systems for rooms with people of various devices for air disinfection based on bacterial-viral filters, ultraviolet irradiators, ozonizers, etc.

Based on the results of scientific research on biosafety, principles have been developed for creating ionization air cleaners from microparticles of a bacterial and viral nature, followed by their disinfection with soft ultraviolet light. Options for the design of air distribution devices are proposed. Experimental prototype models of devices tested in OGABA on a standard serial ventilation unit of the Ukrainian manufacturer VENTS have been created.

On the basis of the conducted studies, it is possible to conduct sanitary and hygienic tests of the proposed structures with the involvement of leading scientific organizations in Ukraine in the field of virology; conduct R & D on the development of design documentation for prototype devices suitable for rapid introduction into mass production; provide author support and production support at the enterprise, including assistance in product certification; provide expert assistance in the inclusion of manufactured equipment in the relevant legislative documents (SANPIN, DBN, etc.); patent equipment in EU countries.

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