Autonomous small-sized seismic system for detecting and recognizing the movement of a person and vehicles

R&D registration number in UkrISTEI: 0221U103160

Planned scope and specific place of application: protection of various objects, borders, for reconnaissance and signaling purposes: enterprises of the State Concern “Ukroboronprom”, State Enterprise “Special Design Bureau” Lightning”, Odesa.

Source of funding: funds from the general fund of the state budget.

Level of innovation: no analogues in the world.

Patent: Device on surface acoustic waves, No. 119598 dated 07/10/2019; IR radiation sensor on a layered structure, No. 122630 from 12/10/2020.

Availability of an interested customer: State Enterprise Special Design Bureau “Molniya”, Odesa.

Implementation: planned for 2022, in the areas of protection of various objects, borders, for reconnaissance and signaling purposes: enterprises of the State Concern “Ukroboronprom”, SE “Special Design Bureau” Molniya”, Odesa.

What additional actions require implementation: requires funding to implement the results obtained.

Brief description, technical and economic parameters of advantages and positive qualities.

A distinctive feature and at the same time a significant advantage of existing analogues is the presence in the created human detection algorithm of selection criteria related to the features of the movement of medium and large animals, which led to a significant reduction in false positives of the system.

Tests of the layout of the developed seismic system showed that it detects and recognizes a person and vehicles with a small (permissible) error and, in terms of its parameters, fully meets the requirements of the technical assignment.

  • human detection range – 40 m, wheeled transport – more than 50 m; supply voltage – 3 V;
  • time of continuous operation – at least 6 months; operating temperature range – from -40 °C to +50 °C;
  • volume – 92 cm3;
  • weight – 0.29 kg.

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