Algorithmic and software support for solving the problem of choosing a technology for processing metal and surfaces of metal structures

R&D registration number in UkrISTEI: 0121U107831

Year of study start: 2021

The total duration of the study (according to the plan): 3 years

Planned branch of application and specific place of application: Manufacturing; technologies for military-civilian purposes

Funding source: state budget, general fund of the state budget

Level of innovation: no analogues in Ukraine

Patent: no

Additional actions requiring further implementation: additional funding; modern scientific equipment; search for interested investors; expanding the range of research and updating the material and technical base

Brief description, technical and economic parameters of advantages and positive qualities.

The developed algorithmic and software was introduced into the processes of operational management of production, in particular, when solving the multi-criteria problem of choosing an effective technology for processing metal and surfaces of metal structures according to a certain set of criteria in a variety of conditions. The proposed developments made it possible to increase the level of operational reliability of the functioning and protection of metal structures in the process of their use (storage) for their intended purpose. The developments are presented in the form of software products, the theoretical justification of which is disclosed in various scientific papers and monographic studies. They can be put into production; technologies for military-civilian purposes, contributing to an increase in production volumes, saving materials, increasing the level of automation of production processes and providing industry with a new type of information and communication services.

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