Creation of material for ionizing radiation detectors

The main proposals for discussion are: conducting experimental studies, developing new methods and techniques, jointly refining the development to an industrial level, and performing custom work.

The sphere of implementation and application of the project (startup): electronics, fundamental scientific research, national security and defense, optics, optoelectronics, radiation technologies.

Scope of the project (startup): Development of new technologies for the production of materials, their processing and connection, the creation of an industry of nanomaterials and nanotechnologies. Creation of new materials using chemical technologies.

Description of the project (startup): Methods for the synthesis and growth of Cd(Mn)Te crystals with high resistance (>1010 Ohm*cm), large product  (~5*10-3 cm2/V) have been developed; Contacts based on Schottky barriers have been created, which make it possible to provide good detecting properties.

Markets targeted by the project (startup): Enterprises, institutions, organizations on the territory of Ukraine and abroad.

Description of the problem solved by the project (startup): creation of domestic detector material.

Technical result: methods for the synthesis and growth of Cd(Mn)Te crystals.

Competitive advantages and novelty of the project (startup):

  • greater yield of homogeneous material;
  • higher resistance (lower detection currents);
  • radiation resistance.

What stage is the project (startup) at: a method for the synthesis and growth of Cd(Mn)Te crystals

Approximate cost for the implementation of the project (startup): UAH 1.2 million.

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