Lviv Summer School in Data Science 2023

During the week of August 6-12, 2023, the Simons Foundation, the US National Academy of Sciences, and the Ukrainian Catholic University will organize a week-long summer school in the field of data science and its applications.

The goal of the summer school is to provide opportunities for Ukrainians who do not yet have the opportunity to travel abroad, and to establish closer ties with colleagues and potential partners outside of Ukraine working in the field of data science.

One of the results of the school will be to familiarize young scientists with various fields, including astrophysics, physics, biological sciences and political studies, as well as with the latest developments and methodologies in the field of data science, which can be applied in their future scientific or professional activities.

The program will include interactive lectures from global experts in many industries, as well as small breakout sessions to further explore methods and applications. After the intensive session, the participants of the summer school will also work online on the final projects with an additional mentor (mentor) from an international group of experts.



Students, graduate students and young scientists who use DS (Data Science) and ML (Machine Learning) methods in their work are invited to participate. Participants will be selected by selection through the application process.

Applications will be reviewed continuously. Selected participants will be notified immediately after the decision has been made. Applications will close once 50 participants have registered.

Cost of participation

Tuition, travel, food and accommodation costs are covered by the Simons Foundation. Participants will receive a scholarship (hryvnia equivalent of 500 US dollars including taxes at the time of payment) for active participation in the preparation of final projects.


The study will take place on the campus of UCU.

The application form and detailed information, including the program, the list of approved topics and lectures can be found here: