19 вересня 2023 р. відбудеться онлайн лекція щодо успішності стартап-проєктів «Entrepreneurial Frameworks»

On September 19 at 19:00, the international educational platform Ukraine Global Faculty will host an online lecture by Rick Rasmussen, an expert at the Sutardzha Center for Entrepreneurship and Technology at the College of Engineering at the University of California, Berkeley, “Entrepreneurial Frameworks”.
In the lecture, Rick Rasmussen will examine two basic principles of starting and developing a business – a customer-oriented approach and disciplined entrepreneurship. These are the two core concepts that any startup must use to succeed.
Registration: https://is.gd/DQ9BaW
The international educational initiative is being implemented by Vasily Khmelnytsky’s K.Fund with the support of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and the National Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education.
Rick Rasmussen – basic facts about professional life:
Serves as Managing Director of Concordia Ventures, a strategic management firm that helps develop innovation ecosystems for more than 20 governments and economic development agencies around the world.
He is a research fellow at the University of California, Berkeley and a faculty member at Northeastern University. Develops and teaches courses on innovation and entrepreneurship with an emphasis on finance. Courses include Advanced Entrepreneurship, Industrial Disruption, and Corporate Transformation, as well as Entrepreneurial Finance and Private Equity.
He holds dual MBA degrees from the Haas School of Business at UC Berkeley and Columbia University Graduate School of Business in New York, and a BS in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from the University of California Berkeley.