Registration for the Ukrainian-Canadian competition “Planning Together” begins, aimed at developing urban plans for the destroyed cities of Ukraine

We invite you to take part in the 6-month urban planning competition “Planning Together”, which will bring together student groups from Ukraine and Canada to find innovative design solutions for rebuilding destroyed cities in Ukraine.

The teams formed will include 5 students majoring in urban planning with an additional 3 students in other disciplines. Each team must have at least 2 Ukrainian students and 2 Canadian students. Teams will be created based on the preferences indicated on the application form, as well as a certain level of experience. Each team will be assigned a city that they must investigate by analyzing planning documents and news stories about those cities during the war. The majority of the study will focus on communities that contain approximately 50,000 to 120,000 residents and have been completely destroyed. The team will formulate a future vision of what the city should be and how it will function after restoration.

Any monetary compensation to students will be provided based on need. As a result, each team will receive a lump sum of money ($500-$1000 CAD), which will be distributed only among Ukrainian students. Cash prizes will also be provided to the best teams at the end of the competition and will be divided only between Ukrainian participants.

The application deadline is September 27, 2023.

And if you want to join as a mentor who will meet with teams every two weeks, conduct thematic seminars, or become part of the judging committees, then fill out the interest form via the link.

More details about the competition.