Up to $50,000 per year per project in the partnership initiative “International Multilateral Partnership to Ensure the Sustainability of the Education and Science System in Ukraine (IMPRESS-U)”

The initiative was launched by the Office of International Science and Engineering (OISE) of the US National Science Foundation (NSF), in partnership with the Estonian Research Council (ETAG); Latvian Scientific Council; Scientific Council of Lithuania (LMT); National Science Center of Poland (NCN); Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA); National Research Foundation of Ukraine (NFGU); US National Academy of Sciences (NAS); Global Office of Naval Research (ONRG).

Through the IMPRESS-U initiative, the U.S. National Science Foundation invites applications for innovative, ambitious, high-quality collaborative research projects that address scientific problems in any field of science, engineering, or education.

Research teams located in Ukraine and consisting of a project supervisor and at least one graduate student/master student can apply for participation in the program. The scientific director of the project must have a scientific degree obtained or recognized in Ukraine, and work at the main place of work in an institution of higher education or a research institution of state ownership.

Read more about the initiative at the link.
