A competition for projects to carry out scientific research and development “Research infrastructures for advanced scientific research” has been announced

The purpose of the competition is to select projects to provide grant support for carrying out fundamental and applied scientific research to ensure the development of the national research space and its integration into the global research space, the development of research infrastructure as a set of funds, resources and related services that use the scientific community to carry out research at the highest level, in particular for the creation of new and support for existing scientific departments, their network structures, centers for collective use, archives and/or libraries of scientific information, etc., which, as a result of the implementation of such projects, can achieve the possibility of stable attraction of funding for conditions that will allow them to organize independent work to carry out scientific research at the level of the best world standards.

Projects that will be funded based on the results of the competition must be carried out by the most active, promising and productive scientists:

1) with significant experience in performing fundamental and applied research in various fields of science;

2) with the opportunity and motivation to work according to the best world standards, as well as to create and develop leading research teams.

The competition is also aimed at solving such unique problems as:

1) creation, operation and ensuring the development of infrastructure centers for solving multidisciplinary problems;

2) attracting commercial structures to introduce high-tech products;

3) ensuring that research fragmentation and double use of funds are avoided;

4) unification of complementary examinations;

5) preparing the material base of leading teams of Ukrainian scientists, as well as increasing their scientific rating to high international standards for their further participation in prestigious European and world scientific project competitions;

6) preparing the material base of leading teams of Ukrainian scientists, as well as increasing their scientific and administrative competence in order to create state key laboratories in the future;

7) consolidation of scientific communities around advanced teams.

The topics of the projects must correspond to at least one of the priority areas for the development of science and technology (according to Article 3 of the Law of Ukraine “On priority areas for the development of science and technology”). An application for grant support submitted to the Competition must correspond to one of the following thematic areas:

  • fundamental scientific research in the field of natural sciences and mathematics;
  • basic research in life sciences;
  • applied research aimed at creating technologies (including IT) and products that are based on the latest achievements of fundamental science;
  • fundamental social and humanitarian research on the most pressing problems of our time;
  • multidisciplinary research.

Application deadline: from December 31, 2023, 00:01 to February 14, 2024, 23:59 (Kyiv time).

