Biogas production technology based on aerobic stabilization of livestock waste

Purpose. For the disposal and safe processing of animal products (pig and cattle manure) in enterprises producing agricultural products.

Specifications. The technology involves combining various waste from the livestock industry: straw, fecal manure, organic matter, feed residues, etc. Preparing the initial mixture and aerating it throughout the entire volume allows you to quickly and efficiently process pus with plant waste and obtain compost with the desired properties. The intensity of the temperature increase is 1.5-2 ° C/hour, reaching the thermophilic mode (more than 50 ° C) lasts 1-1.5 days. The minimum processing time in this mode is 5-7 days. The compost obtained using this technology contains (calculated on a dry matter basis): organic matter – at least 75%, total nitrogen – 1.9-2.3%, phosphorus – 0.4-0.6%, potassium – 0.6- 1.0%. Due to such biofermentation, it is possible to increase the yield of biogas by at least 12-15% with a significant increase in quality.

Application area. Bioenergy sphere in the field of energy supply to rural areas and energy autonomy of objects of different forms of ownership.

Advantages. The use of aerobic-thermophilic stabilization of biomass during the biofermentation of liquid manure, which allows for complete disinfection of manure waste within 4–5 days due to high temperature, which is the result of the activity of thermophilic bacteria. Research has also established that in liquid manure treated under aerobic and thermophilic conditions, during its further biofermentation, a high intensity of nitrification processes is observed.

Description. The use of catalyzed biofermentation of liquid manure through the use of thermophilic bacteria in the appropriate mass ratio of liquid organic waste from animal husbandry. In this regard, options for such a process have been studied with the formation of both appropriate temperature conditions for the course of such a process, ensuring a general useful indicator of biogas yield with its appropriate technological purity, which allows for constant and efficient operation of medium-power biogas plants. Additionally, through the use of a bacterial environment of liquid organic animal waste, the hygienic purity of the obtained by-products, in particular, degestate, suitable for direct agricultural use as a component of bioorganic fertilizer, is ensured.

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