Technology for economic modeling of biogas production from pig manure and corn silage

Purpose. Effectively select the ratio of pig pus and corn silage for combined use for biogas plants of various capacities and technological operating regulations based on model calculations by systematically substituting the corresponding technological parameters of the components.

Specifications. The technology involves the use of a method of numerous studies of the yield of CH4, CO2, H2S as a result of the fermentation of mixtures of pig manure and silage in a bioreactor. The yield of biogas was calculated at different fermentation temperature conditions. The technological process of fermentation and formation of CH4, CO2 and inert gases in small quantities, including hydrogen sulfide, took place in the reactor. At the same time, a biogas yield of 780 m3/day (284,700 m3/year) was ensured.

Application area. Bioenergy branch in the field of energy supply for the autonomy of agricultural companies of different sizes and forms of ownership.

Advantages. The main advantage of the study is the calculation of the potential for biogas production from various types of raw materials. It has been established that the biogas yield when using mixtures such as pig manure and corn silage can increase the biogas yield to 162.6 m3/kg of raw materials. Compared to existing technologies, this technology allows increasing the efficiency of the biogas reactor and increasing the yield of biogas with a qualitatively higher composition of the biogas mixture, which reduces post-treatment costs and increases the profitability of production.

Description. Development of a mathematical model for producing biogas through the combined use of pig pus and corn silage in a floating forecasting system for the ratio of these components from 35 to 70%. The model includes an initial data matrix that covers: the moisture content of the raw material and its degree of decomposition, the nature of biocomposting of manure, features of the silage process, the ratio of components and the biotechnological process of combined fermentation with the resulting indicators of the kinetics of the process and the volume and rate of biogas output, taking into account the typological model of biogases. and the nature of its operating mode. This allows us to predict the technological regulations for the production of biogas through the combined use of pig manure and corn silage.

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