On April 24, 2024, the XI Scientific Conference of Young Scientists “Linguistics of the 21st Century: Traditions and Development Prospects” will be held

April 24, 2024 at the Institute of Linguistics named after. A. A. Potebni NAS of Ukraine in Kyiv the XI scientific conference of young scientists “Linguistics of the XXI century: traditions and development prospects” will be held. The format of the event is remote (using communication technologies of the Google Meet platform).

The organizers invite young scientists – graduate students, applicants, researchers and higher education teachers – to participate in the conference.

To participate, you must send the participant’s application form by April 22, 2024 to the organizing committee’s email address: a.ievlanova@gmail.com (subject line: “Linguistics of the 21st century: traditions and development prospects”).


The executive secretary of the organizing committee is junior researcher, chairman of the Council of Young Scientists of the A. A. Potebnya Institute of Linguistics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, candidate of philological sciences Olexandra Evlanova.
