Hardware and software complex for acoustic monitoring, identification and direction finding of objects in a controlled space

Purpose. For dynamically configuring protection zones of controlled space and solving a wide range of problems, such as identifying and localizing acoustic threats, tracing the movement of acoustic targets.

Specifications. The developed software and hardware complex provides for the growth of a single-board computer Raspberry Pi 4 (or analogues with appropriate characteristics) with the following characteristics: 4-core Cortex-A72 processor (1.5 GHz), 4 GB of RAM, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth modules, USB 2.0 ports and higher (at least two pieces), Micro-SD card slot.

Application area. Production of instruments and equipment for measurement, research and navigation. Open Joint Stock Company “Meridian” named after S.P. Queen

Advantages. Significantly higher accuracy of detection of acoustic events, improved analysis of the acoustic spectrum to determine the type of event source, increased accuracy in determining the distance and direction to the source of an acoustic event.

Technical and economic effect. Increasing the accuracy of identifying types of acoustic events by 32.6% compared to existing analogues; increasing the accuracy of determining the distance to the sound source of an acoustic event by 29.65% compared to analogues.

Description. A comprehensive acoustic system for dynamically configuring protection zones of a controlled space has been developed. Methods, algorithms and procedures have been developed for generating graphical displays of sound waves containing information about the features of the temporal localization of acoustic signals. A star clustering method has been developed, which additionally checks sets of coincidence points for graphic displays for truth and can significantly reduce the possibility of erroneous matches. A hardware system has been developed that provides for the use of an accessible set of chips at a relatively low cost, even in the case of using an extensive network of sensors.

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