On June 3–6, 2024 the XXI International Conference on Inorganic Chemistry will take place

The organizers of the event are the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, the Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry named after. IN AND. Vernadsky NAS of Ukraine, Uzhgorod National University, Jan Dlugosz University of Humanities and Natural Sciences (Czestochowa, Poland), Pryaszew University (Slovakia).

Conference topics:

  • chemistry of inorganic and coordination compounds, including medicinal and pharmaceutical chemistry;
  • characteristics and properties of new inorganic substances; crystal chemistry;
  • physical-inorganic chemistry, nanochemistry;
  • dual-use materials; alternative energy sources; environmental chemistry.

Working languages: English, Ukrainian.

Types of reports:

key lectures (duration – 30 minutes, including questions);
oral presentations (20 min, including questions);
poster presentations.

Articles based on the materials of the presented reports can be published (after peer review) in the publications “Ukrainian Chemical Journal” and “Bulletin of Uzhgorod University. Chemistry series.

All participants will receive certificates.

Registration of participants and acceptance of abstracts will continue from April 1 to May 10, 2024.


For additional information, please contact: conf-icicu@uzhnu.edu.ua
