Invite to listen to the podcast dedicated to the initiative of the International Multilateral Partnership to Ensure the Sustainability of the Education and Science System in Ukraine (IMPRESS-U)

Podcast link – impress_u | NAWA – Kierunek Nauka (

Representatives of the institutions that started the initiative talk about it, and scientists already working on the projects share their impressions of participating in the initiative.

Guests of the episode: Kendra Sharp – Director of the Office of International Science and Engineering of the US National Science Foundation (NSF), Olga Polotskaya – Executive Director of the National Foundation for Research of Ukraine (NFGU), Zofia Savitskaya – Deputy Director of NAWA, Yaroslav Shpotyuk and Andriy working on the project “Integration of Students and researchers from Ukraine and the USA with advanced science and technology of amorphous materials,” as well as Yuri Latushkin, co-author of the project “Spectral and geometric methods for perturbed wave equations with application to fiber lasers.”

Thanks to the representatives of the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA) for creating the podcast.

More about the initiative: International Multilateral Partnership to Ensure the Sustainability of the Education and Science System in Ukraine (IMPRESS-U) – National Research Foundation of Ukraine (