The selection for participation in the Volodymyr Manyak and Lydia Kovalenko IX International Interdisciplinary Competition of Scientific and Creative Works has started

For the third time during the full-scale invasion of Russia, an international competition of scientific and creative works devoted to the theme of the Holodomor is being held. The competition honors the memory of the spouses of Ukrainian writers – Volodymyr Manyak (1934-1992) and Lydia Kovalenko (1936-1993). They devoted themselves to implementing a large-scale project – collecting oral evidence and developing experiments on the history of the Great Famine of 1932–1933.

Special theme of the 2024 competition: “Me, my family, my country: the memory of the Holodomor and a look at russia’s modern war against Ukraine through the prism of personal experience”. Students of general secondary education institutions, undergraduates, graduate students, teachers and scientists under 35 years of age are invited to participate.

Works will be accepted until October 28, 2024. The summing up and announcement of the winners is scheduled for the last week of November.

The winners in the nominations will receive diplomas, invitations to the awards ceremony in Kyiv and cash prizes for further deepening research on the Holodomor.

Detailed conditions of the competition and requirements for work – according to the link.

Contact person: Natalya Bogdanova, executive director of the NGO “HREC in Ukraine”.

Email address:;
Phone: +38 (050) 512 21 15.