On May 30, 2024, the International Seminar “Monitoring of Scientific, Technical and Innovative Development of Ukraine” will take place

Format – mixed (offline and online). Pre-registration is required to participate. Starts at 10:00. Organizers: Institute of Economics and Forecasting of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Ukrainian National Office of Intellectual Property and Innovation, UN Economic Commission for Europe.

About the topic of the seminar

Innovation plays an important role in almost every area of the economy and in the daily lives of people around the world. It is on them that the future of the European Union is built, as clearly noted in the document A New European Innovation Agenda, approved in July 2022.

To formulate and implement an effective national policy in the field of science and innovation, relevant information is needed on various aspects of the development of science and innovation and the identification of connections with economic growth. 

Consequently, the relevance of monitoring and evaluating scientific, technological and innovative development is growing, and this activity requires the introduction of new approaches for a timely response to new phenomena and trends.

Questions for discussion:

  • problems of statistical measurement of scientific, technical and innovative activities in Ukraine and the world;
  • monitoring scientific and technical activities of the business sector: how to obtain reliable data;
  • challenges of monitoring scientific and innovative development during the war and the post-war period and ways to solve them;
  • formation of an effective system for monitoring scientific, technical and innovative development of Ukraine.

Among the seminar speakers:

President of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, academician Anatoliy Zagorodny;
Director of the Institute of Economics and Forecasting of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Academician Valeriy Geets;
Deputy Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine Denis Kurbatov;
Deputy Minister of Economy of Ukraine Vitaliy Kondratov;
Chairman of the Scientific Committee of the National Council of Ukraine for the Development of Science and Technology, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Olexander Antonyuk;
Director of the Ukrainian National Office of Intellectual Property and Innovation Olena Orlyuk;
Head of the Section for Innovative Development and Competitiveness of the UN Economic Commission for Europe, Ralph Heinrich;
Head of the Department of Innovation Policy, Economics and Organization of High Technologies of the Institute of Economics and Forecasting of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Igor Egorov and others.

The seminar starts at 10:00.

Format: mixed (offline and online on the Zoom platform).

Working languages: Ukrainian, English.

To participate in the seminar, you must fill out the registration form.

For questions, please contact: innovation@ief.org.ua


