On July 22-27, 2024, a training for entrepreneurs, trainers and representatives of entrepreneurship development organizations “Start and improve your business” will be held

Organizers – International Labor Organization for funding from the Government of Belgium within the framework of the project “Support to the ILO of Ukraine – prevention of labor exploitation and human trafficking, support for the development of entrepreneurship and social partners.”

About the training

The ILO “Start and Improve Your Business” methodology is one of the world’s global business management training programs that helps entrepreneurs start and grow their own business. This course allows you to become part of a global network of trainers, master trainers and partner institutions (public and private). Its advantage is the system of selection, certification and monitoring of trainers, which ensures a high level of knowledge.

Accommodation, meals and educational materials for participants are provided by the organizers. Transportation costs are reimbursed.

For whom?

The following can take part in the event:

  • trainers specializing in entrepreneurship development topics;
  • existing entrepreneurs;
  • representatives of business development organizations/NGOs.

How to participate?

To take part in the training, you need to fill out the application form:

  • for trainers and entrepreneurs – follow the link;
  • for representatives of business development organizations/NGOs – follow the link.

The application deadline is July 1, 2024. The location will be announced to registered participants at a later date.

For additional questions, please contact holiuk@ilo.org (Inna Golyuk).
