Method for determining tolerances for electrical parameters of radio-electronic devices

Purpose. To assign tolerances on the electrical parameters of electronic equipment elements.

Application area. Design bureau of the radio-electronic industry.

Advantages. Allows you to reduce the time of permissible synthesis by 13-20% compared to known analogues.

Technical and economic effect. It is advisable to use it when designing radio-electronic devices with a large number of analog elements, the tolerances of which have a significant impact on the quality characteristics of the product. The implementation will allow for optimal assignment of tolerances. The estimated cost is 2000 UAH. for one workplace.

Description. A method is proposed for assigning tolerances to the electrical parameters of elements of electronic equipment, which consists in creating a set of possible tolerance areas of parameters in the form of bars, assessing their suitability and selecting a tolerance area of ​​the maximum volume using genetic optimization, which differs in corrective suitability. For this purpose, the sensitivity coefficients of the parameters are determined in the tolerance region by measuring the initial characteristics of radio-electronic equipment in the event of deviations in electrical parameters, the membership of the beam in the performance area is assessed using the worst-case method, if the beam does not belong to the performance area, the beam is shifted using the sensitivity coefficients and its membership is finally assessed. analysis of edges that define the suitability of the permissive area as the volume of the beam or as the distance of the beam from the operability area.

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