Consumable powder electrode

Purpose. To improve the properties of cast metal.

Application area. Mechanical engineering, tool industry.

Advantages. At the level of world analogues. The developed development of ESH using powder electrode for castings of parts and tools from tool steels has shown the following advantages: the ability to form virtually any chemical composition of the resulting materials; high refining efficiency; improving the performance characteristics of products made from ESH metal with a powder electrode; reduction in production costs by 40 – 50% compared to EShV solid electrode for rolling standard steel grades.

Technical and economic effect. The economic attractiveness of the development for promotion to the market and implementation lies in the improvement of the properties of cast metal ESW with a powder electrode while reducing the cost of production by 40 – 50% compared to ESW with a solid electrode, the possibility of forming almost any composition of the resulting materials, increasing the performance characteristics of products made from ESW metal powder electrode.

Description. The essence of the development is to improve the properties of cast metal as a result of more intensive refining during ESW with a powder electrode. The use of a powder electrode solves the problem of producing consumable electrodes from tool steels in the conditions of machine-building, tool and repair enterprises.

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