Titanium alloy in nanostructured state for aviation technology

Purpose. For titanium alloys in a nanostructured state for aviation equipment.

Scope. Machine-building enterprises.

Advantages. Titanium alloys with a nano- and submicrocrystalline structure with certain sizes of structural components provide a change in deformation mechanisms under static and cyclic loads. The strength of titanium alloys in a nanostructured rupture state, cyclic strength, as well as the logarithmic decrement of oscillations are higher compared to the same alloys, but with a lamellar and equilibrium structure, which is regulated by the technical conditions for the alloy.

Technological and economic effect. A reduction in the cost of the manufactured part from titanium alloys with a nano- and submicrocrystalline structure was achieved due to a decrease in the mass of the part, the replacement of high-alloy expensive alloys with cheaper ones, and an increase in the reliability and service life of the parts.

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