Technology of deep purification of cesium iodide obtained from waste single crystals from heavy metal impurities

Purpose. The technology enables processing of cesium iodide-based single crystal residues contaminated with heavy metals into high-purity salt for use as feedstock for growing cesium iodide-based single crystals. This closes the technological cycle of growing cesium iodide-based single crystals and helps improve its environmental aspects.

Technological properties. Production capacity – 15 m3 of purified cesium iodide solution per year.

Scope. Inorganic substance technology, growing single crystals.

Advantages. The technology enables disposal of waste requiring disposal (cesium iodide solutions heavily contaminated with heavy metals) by treating them with activated carbon and magnesium, which allows obtaining high-purity cesium iodide. Thus, the technological cycle of growing cesium iodide-based single crystals is closed.

Technical and economic effect. The technology allows processing up to 15 m3 per year of contaminated cesium iodide solutions into a high-purity cesium iodide solution. In this case, toxic heavy metals are deposited on magnesium in a compact form, which ensures the environmental friendliness of the technology for growing single crystals based on cesium iodide. The economic effect will be assessed after 1 year of using the technology.

Description. Activated carbons are washed from coal dust with drinking water and poured into a pipe filter with a cartridge. Metallic magnesium is washed from dust with cold drinking water and poured into a pipe filter with a cartridge. The input cesium iodide solution is loaded into the heat exchanger, heated to 60 C and held for 1 hour. After this, the solution is filtered through a filter unit with activated carbon and magnesium. Then the resulting solution is filtered twice through a cartridge filter filled with magnesium. The product is sent for crystallization purification.

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