R&D registration number in UkrISTEI: 0116U003464
Year of study start: 2020
Planned field of application and specific place of application: veterinary medicine; laboratories of the State Service of Ukraine on food safety and consumer protection
Source of funding: implementation of initiative GDRs (developments) free of charge
Amount of financing: without financing
Level of innovation: no analogues in Ukraine
Availability of a patent: 1 patent of Ukraine.
Availability of an interested customer: laboratories of the State Service of Ukraine for Food Safety and Consumer Protection
Implementation: planned for 2023
Additional actions that require further implementation: expanding the range of research and updating the material and technical base; other. At this stage, research continues to improve and develop methods for determining toxicity by a microbiological express method using the Colpoda steinii infusoria for other food products and raw materials. After their completion, these methods will be included in the monitoring system and the entire developed complex will be introduced.
Brief description, technical and economic parameters of advantages and positive qualities.
The method for determining toxicity refers to veterinary medicine, namely to microbiological methods for determining toxicity and can be used when conducting an examination of the safety of chicken eggs.
To determine the toxicity of eggs, a test culture of the ciliate Colpoda steinii is used. The method includes preparation of a test culture, selection and preparation of a sample of the test product, its extraction with chemically pure acetone taken in a volume of 10 cm3, filtration of the extract, dilution of the obtained filtrate with Lozin-Lozinsky solution, introduction of the obtained solution of acetone extract. temperature control of the resulting mixture at a temperature of +26…+28 °C for 60 minutes. Determination of the degree of toxicity is carried out by observing the vital activity of ciliates under a microscope at an increase of 80-120 and taking into account the number of living and dead ciliates.
If the product is non-toxic, then at least 90% of Colpoda steinii ciliates are alive and actively moving. A decrease in activity and (or) death of ciliates indicates the toxicity of the product. The proposed method is effective and easy to use and allows you to set the content of a wide range of xenobiotics extractable with acetone in the egg within 1 hour.