Technology of formation of highly productive dairy-oriented herd by improving phenotypic indicators of cows of foreign and domestic selection

Purpose. Development of substantiated methods for assessing the influence of phenotypic factors on the formation of a highly productive herd of cows of domestic and foreign selection and increasing their productivity indicators

Technical characteristics. The main factors for the effective introduction of the dairy cattle breeding industry are the genetic potential of animals, characterized by a correlation between the duration of lactation and the duration of the service period, between the duration of the intercalving period and the duration of lactation, between the coefficient of reproductive capacity and the duration of lactation, and where there is an inverse close relationship. with an increase in the milk productivity of cows, their reproductive capacity worsens and the duration of the service period increases. There is no correlation between the indicators of the reproductive capacity of cows and the quality indicators of milk, the influence of the season of birth and calving on the milk productivity of cows of different lactations was established. The milk productivity of the cows under study exceeds the minimum requirements for the Jersey breed by 83% of the first lactation, by 82.1% of the second, and by 73.1% of the third. The use of cows with a service period extending over 90 days reduces the milk productivity of cows.

Scope. Agricultural companies, scientific institutions. Animal husbandry.

Advantages. Substantiated methods for assessing the influence of phenotypic factors on the formation of a highly productive herd of dairy cattle and increasing the rate of its improvement ensure that the minimum requirements for milk productivity of Jersey cows are exceeded by 83% in the first lactation, by 82.1% in the second, and by 73.1% in the third. %. Replacement heifers of the breeds raised on the farm in all age periods prevail in the standard for live weight. The average daily gain of heifers of the Ukrainian black-and-red-motley dairy breeds is 692-868 g, and Jersey – 472-571 g. The shortest service period (136 days) is for Jerseys, the highest is for the Ukrainian black-and-white dairy breed (155 days). The yield of calves is 67-69%, the survival rate of calves is 97-98%. The proposed technological solutions contribute to increasing the genetic potential for productive indicators of cows of Ukrainian and foreign selection.

Technical and economic effect. The proposed technology for the use of phenotypic characteristics of breeds of domestic and foreign selection makes it possible to form highly productive dairy-oriented herds, which is economically beneficial for obtaining additional profit from the implementation of the genetic potential of the Jersey breed for milk fat content and domestic breeds for milk yield in order to increase the production of gross milk from below. The social effect is to increase the production of high-quality milk in order to supply it with raw materials for further processing. Therefore, in order to obtain the maximum possible profit and rational management of dairy cattle breeding, it is necessary to take into account the dependence of the patterns between milk productivity and reproductive capacity indicators.

Description. The process of forming a highly productive dairy herd is carried out over several generations, based on the results of selection. Selection and breeding work allows increasing the productivity of animals with each subsequent generation based on the use of selection, intensive cultivation of replacement young animals. Milk productivity puts forward increased demands on the reproductive system, since reproduction and lactation in cattle are successive stages of the biological process of reproduction. In modern conditions of today, it is extremely important not only to obtain maximum growth in herd productivity, but also to obtain the corresponding economic profit. From this position, the issue of increasing the degree of realization of the genetic potential of dairy cattle of different breeds in specific conditions, the study of phenotypic factors in the formation of a highly productive herd is relevant.

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