Heat generating unit

Purpose. Heat-generating unit (HGU) is a highly efficient source of thermal energy of the hydrodynamic principle of operation, which implements stepless conversion of mechanical energy of the drive motor into thermal energy of the working medium.

Scope. The development is applicable for individual heating of administrative, residential, industrial and warehouse premises, greenhouses, hot water supply, heating of liquids without local heat supply.

Advantages. application of an automatic control system; possibility of installation in non-gasified areas; absence of heat losses in heating mains; possibility of stepless temperature regulation from 10 to 85 °C; absence of heating elements and preliminary water treatment; absence of emissions of combustion products into the atmosphere; possibility of connection directly to the existing heating system; accumulation of thermal energy in the storage tank at night; reduction of heating costs by (40 – 60)%

Description. The liquid is heated by viscous friction forces, which eliminates the need to use heating elements.

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