Soil cement foundations and bases

Purpose. This technology is especially effective for reinforcing subsidence and weak soils.

Technical properties. The strength of the GCE can vary from 0.3 to … 3.0 MPa (peat); 1 … 12 MPa (silt, clay); 2 … 14 MPa (sandy loam, loam); up to 5 … 30 MPa (sand, gravel). The effect of such foundation reinforcement is that in a certain volume of weak soil, part of it is replaced by a rigid material (soil cement) with a sufficiently large deformation modulus (E = 70 … 200 MPa). Natural soil sandwiched between the ORC also improves its mechanical characteristics due to the impossibility of lateral protrusion.

Application area. The development is used in the construction of important facilities in Ukraine, primarily grain storage facilities and artificial foundations for other buildings and structures.

Advantages. Analogues of this development in the world are soil-cement bases and foundations, arranged using other technologies, in particular, jet technology. The advantages are lower consumption of resources, both energy and material costs (cement, water), simplicity of technological operations and, as a result, the use of more affordable domestic equipment.

Description. Soil-cement bases and foundations are arranged using construction technology. The essence of the drilling technology is that during the drilling of a well, the natural soil is loosened without extracting it from the well. A water-cement suspension is pumped into the destruction zone through a swivel, which the drilling rig is equipped with, a mortar pump, which is thoroughly mixed with loose soil by the working element. Soil loosening, supply of cement mortar and its mixing with the soil is carried out along the entire length of the GCE. After the mixture has set, a strong GCE is formed that does not get wet in an aqueous environment.

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