Electronic device for determining the Rufier index of schoolchildren


The device is designed for the semi-automatic calculation of the Rufier index based on three measurements of the heart rate (HR), which are carried out according to a specific algorithm.


Medicine. In practice, this test makes it possible to determine in which physical culture group the child should and will be able to do it for health reasons.


The closest analogues in the field of physical culture and sports were not found. As a rule, measurements for calculating the Rufier index are carried out without the use of a specialized device.


After connecting the electrodes of the cardiosensor to the subject and pressing the “Begin test” button, commands appear on the screen of the device sequentially in accordance with the algorithm of the test, which the subject must perform (rest, squatting, rest). The tempo of the squats is set by an intermittent sound signal. The start and end of the execution of commands or measurements are also accompanied by a certain sound signal. At the same time, at the right time, the device automatically measures the heart rate. At the end of the test, the device calculates and displays the result in the form of a textual assessment (“high”, “above average”, “average”, “below average”, “low” levels of the functional reserve of the heart). Thus, the device formalizes the process of obtaining the Rufier index, which is the main advantage of its use.

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