Development of methods for the synthesis of 6-hydroxy- and 6-acyloxy-3-carboxychromones containing aromatic acid fragments with substituents of different electronic nature in the aromatic ring

What priority area of ​​science and technology does it correspond to: new substances and materials.

Research: fundamental;

Future prospect: completed;

Research level: no analogues in Ukraine;

Availability of a patent: no

What additional actions require further research: to be completed in the near future.

Brief description, advantages, further prospects for application.

The developed synthetic approaches will make it possible to introduce various substituents into the structure of 3-formylchromone, opening the way to the preparation of lanthanide complexes with properties useful for practical use (high photoluminescence intensity, solubility, thermal stability, conductivity, and film-forming ability).

New phosphors with targeted characteristics can be used as luminescent labels in immunofluorescent analysis, converters of ultraviolet radiation into near infrared radiation, materials for emission layers of organic light emitting diodes.

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