Development of an innovative energy-efficient air conditioning technology for autonomous thermal power plants

What priority area of ​​science and technology does it correspond to: Energy and energy efficiency

Grant from the State Foundation for Fundamental Research

Perspective for further implementation in 2021-2022: Completed;

Research level: no analogues in Ukraine;

Patent: no.

Brief description, advantages, further prospects for application.

Reserves have been identified and implemented to reduce energy costs for cooling the air of MW GDs, due to the cooling of high flow rates of supply air and to increase the fuel efficiency of cogeneration GDs by cooling their cycle air.

A method has been developed for two-stage cooling of the air of the main engine by transforming the waste heat of the main engine in a cascade absorption-vapor-compressor refrigerating machine (KAPKKHM) with refrigeration of the high-temperature degree of POHT from ABKHM and the low-temperature level of PONT from KAPKHM, which reduces the cost of thermal energy of deep (up to 10 °C) cooling of the air at the inlet GD in comparison with its cooling in ABCM to 15 °C.

The rational parameters of the heat-using two-stage system of zonal air cooling at the inlet of the autonomous power supply unit are determined, providing a reduction in the specific fuel consumption by 2…2.6 g/(kW∙h).


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